English / Chinese Books & DVDs

New Releases

The Path

Sold more than 5 million copies over the past 50 years in Japan alone, this long-standing book gives readers enduring insights by K. Matsushita into how to live a meaningful life as a human being. Translated into various languages already, he wished it to be sold more than 100 million copies all over the world. His time-tested thinking will surely be a useful guideline when making decisions in the course of your life. 

E-book  Japanese(日本語ページ)


Konosuke Matsushita The Man, The Vision, The Company

This video shows the life of a Japanese industrialist, Konosuke Matsushita, founder of Panasonic. He was no ordinary man. Forced to discontinue his education after four years of elementary school, he was apprenticed at the age of nine to a craftsman, his first step toward a career in business. Handicapped by poor health, lack of formal schooling, and the early loss of his parents and siblings to illness, he seemed destined for loneliness and misfortune, yet managed to rise above these obstacles and carve a place for himself in the world of business. Out of his varied experience and travails grew a humanistic philosophy of life that he has striven throughout the years to put into practice, earning for himself a reputation as “philosopher-businessman.” 


松下幸之助 创业者、经营理念、企业



Effective 5S practices


This DVD provides you a language selection.
(Japanese, English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese and Vietnamese).
Practice 5S with clear objectives.


The 5S's!

This DVD provides you a language selection.

(Japanese, English, Chinese and Portuguese)

Learning from case studies: The 5S's!
