PHP Management Seminars in Japan and Overseas
PHP Management Seminars, using audiovisual materials, introduce Konosuke Matsushita's concept of rational humanistic management and the views of other prominent business leaders. The seminars are limited to a small number of participants, and emphasis is put not so much on "teaching" management know-how as on stimulating the participants to think about and discuss among themselves the role and responsibility of a corporation and management as they see it.
PHP Management Seminars were first offered in 1977, to help foster high-caliber managers in Japan, and since then, over 230,000 senior and junior executives and staff employees from more than 10,000 corporations and other organizations across the country have participated in the program.
In 1981, PHP overseas seminar launched, introducing the Konosuke Matsushita's way of thinking and management. Seminars were done not only in many Asian countries like Singapore, Malaysia, China, Taiwan, but Russia, UK, Germany, France and the USA.

PHP management seminar in Malaysia in 2014
If you are interested in our management seminars or for more information, please contact us.
PHP Business Seminars in Japan (English or Chinese)
We have one or two-day business seminar programs for overseas business persons to learn about Japanese
business environment as well as Konosuke Matsushita’s practical business management. It can be
customized to cater for your needs. Please look at the pamphlet in English: PHP Business Seminars.

If you are interested in our management seminars or for more information, please contact us.
Business Study Visit on Konosuke Matsushita in Japan (English or Chinese)
Overseas visitors are more than welcome to our office in Kyoto to learn about Konosuke Matsushita through various videos and discussions with our researchers. There is a short study visit program which takes only half a day. To learn more about it, please look at the pamphlet in English: Business Study Visit on Konosuke Matsushita.

If you are interested in our management seminars or for more information, please contact us.
Public Seminars
● Level-specific Seminars
Way of Management Course: Spirit of Management (2 days)
Way of Management Course: Techniques of Management (2 days)
Discovery in Boosting Decision-making Power (2 days)
Elevating Management Skills (2 days)
Boosting Leadership Course (2 days)
Fundamentals and Practice of On-the-Job Training (2 days)
Revitalizing Awareness of Mid-level Management (2 days)
Basics of the Job Reinforcement Series (3 sessions)
Course for Newly Hired Company Staff (3 days)
● Objective-specific Seminars
Mental Health Management for Supervisors (1 day)
PHP Coaching Basics (2 days)
PHP Management Coaching (2 days)
Introduction to Group Coaching (2 days)
Upgrading Communications Skills for Sales Staff (2 days)
The Mind and Practice of CS Manners (2 days)
PHP Business Coach Training, Basic Course (6 months)
PHP Business Coach Training, Advanced Course (3 months)

PHP Community Service
In keeping with our founder's ideals of encouraging personal growth and the emergence of a better society, PHP Institute engages in a number of community service activities, such as the "Thoughtfulness for Others" campaign, the Scholarship Program for Schools in the Philippines and free telephone counseling service.
Since 1980 the "Thoughtfulness for Others" campaign has focused on helping others through fund-raising and donations. Contributions now total nearly $50,000 annually. The free telephone counseling service was set up in 1987 in Kyoto and 1998 in Tokyo. Our professionally trained counselors handle a wide range of personal, family, and work-related problems.
PHP Institute began a program of audio transliteration of PHP monthly magazine in 1992. Professional transliterators provide not just a reading of the text but fully integrated descriptive narrations of the illustrations and photographs also. This audio version of the magazine is distributed to 111 braille libraries throughout the country.
PHP Friendship Clubs
In response to requests from the readers of PHP monthly magazine for a forum where they could exchange ideas on personal development and social problems, PHP Friendship Club Association was established in January 1976. Today there are more than 160 Friendship Clubs throughout Japan and overseas.
In 1992 the Association was reorganized as fully independent, member-managed organization. The establishment of regional offices resulted in better coordination and increased local autonomous activities.
For more information about the Association, please visit the official site here.